
From Cricalix.Net


Defaults to port 8006. Given I access it from multiple machines, defaulting to 443 would be nice.

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8006

Then use iptables-persistent to make that apply every time.

Unraid VM

Unraid needs a USB stick to boot from. Legacy advice on the Internet is that Proxmox won't boot a VM from a USB stick, but that's wrong with at least Proxmox V8. Config for VM

  • q35 machine
  • No EFI disk
  • Some GB of RAM
  • Host CPU cores, 2 of them (the VM is tied to the USB stick anyway, so may as well tie it to the host cores)
  • PCI passthrough - SATA controller

SATA controller was assigned to a resource mapping at the Datacenter level in the Proxmox UI tree, then made available for the PCI passthrough. Two USB sticks were also configured in resource mappings; one for the boot stick, and the other for temporary use in the Unraid array. Integrated graphics also isolated for passthrough to the Media Host.

Media host VM

Tried q35 with PCI passthrough of the IGP


Revert to 440 with PCI passthrough. Had to reinstall for some reason, and switch to SeaBIOS.

Media host Sonarr

podman run --name=sonarr --detach -e PUID=$(id -u media) -e PGUID=$(id -g media) -e TZ=Europe/Dublin -p 8989:8989 -v /services/sonarr:/config -v /vault/video/TV\ Shows:/media --restart always

Needs host NFS mounted. Avoids trying to do privileged LXCs on Proxmox and working out how to maintain a copy of the configs outside of the container.